Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Bogor Botanical Garden Tour

On Monday I took my friend Oliver from Switzerland to view the botanical gardes in Bogor. We left Jl Jaksa at about 11am on the train and arrived in Bogor at about 12 noon. Bogor is a small city in West Java, South of Jakarta. The high-light in Bogor is its Botanical garden which was quite busy yesterday because it is a long weekend in Indonesia for the budhist ceremony Waisak.

Bogor Map 

The botancial garden is beautiful and peaceful compared to Jakarta and has many trees and flowers for visual enjoyment. in particular the pungent Titan flower. Its a great place to relax away from Jakarta. The Botanic Gardens reside inside the Bogor Palace, which is still used for some ceremonies.

Bogor Botanic Gardens

Bogor Palace

We also visited the zoology museum inside the Botanci gardens, which has much fascinating information on the animals of Indonesia.

Bogor is also heavily influenced by its previous Dutch heritage, with Dutch architecture and a large and beautiful dutch cemetery.

If you would like to arrange a tour to Bogor please feel free to contact me by Email

About me

My name is Kris Alen and i'm an Indonesian guide. This blog is the story of the trips I have guided recently.

Some people who don't know me would call me a tout. People that know me tend to call me their friend. I've lived and worked in the tourism industry most of my life and operate out of Jl Jaksa in Jakarta. Mostly I just have fun and sometimes some people pay me to make sure they have fun and get a good look at Indonesia.

I'm not affiliated with anybody although I have a lot of contacts. I don't make commissions but I do rely on a core list of suppliers because ultimately I'm just a middle man, a facilitator and travel manager. I make sure you have fun on your holiday rather than spend it trying to find, organise and negotiate with different providers in a city (Jakarta) that is not exactly organised, not exactly easy to navigate and not exactly anything. Everything is hazy in Jakarta, even the air - but I've dealt with it all before and can deal with it for you too, if you come to Jakarta.

Enjoy the blog, I hope to add a few posts about recent trips I have taken people on soon.